We fund Escrow Deposits, FAST!

Get fast and simple soft deposit financing to:

  1. Tie up deals while preserving your liquidity
  2. Get escrow funds as quickly as 24 Hours!
  3. Get more deals under contract faster!

Soft deposit financing requirements

Use our soft escrow dollars to take deals off market today!

Apply and work through our abridged application process in 2 minutes.

Acquisition for commercial property only
Soft deposit minimum 30 days
Soft deposit minimum 30 days
Negotiated Purchase and Sale Agreement

Who we are and what we do

The founders of Commercial Float are successful real estate professionals. We understand the commercial real estate
space. Deal flow and access to capital are paramount.

Soft deposit financing allows developers to preserve their liquidity and tie up more deals. Use our money to take
deals off market. Work through your due diligence period while using your capital to diligence that is accretive to
the deal. Do not miss out on opportunities worrying about having funds to escrow!


Why Choose Us

Work on Multiple deals at once

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